Friday, January 28, 2011

Sales Tip 116: "Making the Most of Feedback"

How do you react when your manager provides you with your self evaluation and schedules your performance appraisal? Are you excited about the opportunity to have an open conversation with your manager? Are you anxious about it? If you are anxious about your appraisal, think about why this is so. Is it because it is hard to hear that your aren't perfect - that there is room for improvement? If you can learn without becoming defensive, you can potentially improve your job performance and advance your career. Ask clarifying questions, wait til the feedback has been given to paraphrase major points, fully understand the feedback, ask the evaluator to give you specifics, avoid being argumentative, avoid explanations of your behavior unless asked.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sales Tip 115: "Relax to Succeed"

I learned a long time ago that a customer has to want to buy a house more that you want to sell one. If a sales rep comes across too desperate, the prospects will pick up on that and bolt. So, sales reps, while anxious to sell a house, need to learn how to relax and project an image of self confidence. How to do this? Practice Acceptance of what you can control and have an influence over. In other words, don't sweat the small stuff!

  • Avoid perfectionism. You don't have to know all of the answers. Getting the correct answer gives you the chance to re-contact a prospect.
  • Limit self-criticism. You do the best you can do most of the time. Value yourself for your own uniqueness, not in comparison to anyone else.
  • Be realistic about your own abilities, including strengths and weaknesses. If you are lacking vocational skills that will make you a better sales rep, make a promise to yourself to improve in 2011.
  • Be flexible. You only have so much control over outside events and other people.
  • Think rationally. Not every problem is a catastrophe. Brainstorm with others around you how to get though the rough patches.
  • Don't forget to breathe!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sales Tip 114: "How Much Traffic Should You Generate?"

Many Sales Reps are at a loss to come up with an appropriate number for the amount of traffic they should be able to generate. Some take the position that is it not their responsibility, but rather that of the builder. WRONG! Yes... the builder does have some obligation to advertise their community, but the responsibility for generating the majority of it rests on the individual sales rep. Lets say for instance that you are averaging 6 traffic units per week. If you builder has their community looking in tip top shape, has adequate signage, is well positioned with the right product at a competitive price, it would be safe to assume that 1/3 of your traffic will happen to find you. What about the other 4 traffic units? At least 2 of the traffic units should be the ever valuable "Be-Backs". These are folks that have already visited you and through your follow-up efforts they return to learn more about your opportunity. That's leaves 2 traffic units for you to generate from scratch. How to do that? Here are a few ideas:
1. Reach out to Realtors
2. Door Knockers to local apartments
3. Business cards left in local business establishments
4. Visits to local business HR departments (make sure to bring along some brochures)
5. Establish an internal referral system with current homeowners