Friday, January 28, 2011

Sales Tip 116: "Making the Most of Feedback"

How do you react when your manager provides you with your self evaluation and schedules your performance appraisal? Are you excited about the opportunity to have an open conversation with your manager? Are you anxious about it? If you are anxious about your appraisal, think about why this is so. Is it because it is hard to hear that your aren't perfect - that there is room for improvement? If you can learn without becoming defensive, you can potentially improve your job performance and advance your career. Ask clarifying questions, wait til the feedback has been given to paraphrase major points, fully understand the feedback, ask the evaluator to give you specifics, avoid being argumentative, avoid explanations of your behavior unless asked.

1 comment:

  1. If anyone is getting ready to have their annual evaluationn you should read this post!
